
Sunday 24 February 2019


Being saved has to do with inviting Jesus into your heart and accepting Him into your life as your Lord and Personal Saviour. This is the most important part of the whole message. Now lets us analyse the life of an imaginary friend called Joe. Joe gave his life to Christ at a very tender age; he has practically known Christ all his life. As he grew, his friends begun to make fun of him because he was a virgin and too honest. Then it came to a point where no one wanted to be his friend even the boys in the Christian groups thought he was too honest. 

Joe then thought to himself that if he needed to make any friends then he would have to lower his godly gospel pure standards, a little sin could not kill anyone right. So, Joe first of all decided to have a girlfriend named Lucy. Lucy was friends with most of the cool guys and that made Joe very cool and popular in school. Now Joe clearly could not keep up with the cool kids in school so he had to take money from his mom’s purse to afford the kind of food and lifestyle the cool kids were living. When his mom inquired about missing money from her purse he lied about it and swore he never took it.

His mom believed him because at home he acted very well. Soon he started lying to his mom to get money. Joe got a fake ID and went to a club little did he know that was a Sodomy (gay) club. His friend Mike and his girlfriend Lucy dragged him along. When they got there, he took some shots of very strong liquor and got tipsy. Lucy then inquired from him what he thought about making out with strangers, he wanted to belong to gave in. He saw Lucy making out with an older woman and she asked him to try it too with the older men. He hesitated at first but she insisted. A few moments later, he could not find Lucy nor Mike and was left with the man (Lance) Lucy pushed him to. Lance took Joe to his five-star hotel apartment and had sex with him. Because Joe was too drunk, Lance took advantage of him, called three other friends and had their way with the poor high-school boy. The following day Joe woke up and there was no one there.

A few weeks later, Mike came to see him and apologize for the other time with all sorts of stories. He made Joe understand that being gay is fine and has got nothing to do with hell. Mike and Joe started seeing each other and in n time they had done a lot of things the bible would consider filthy. Mike had to travel at a point so Joe became alone again, he started entertaining himself with porn and masturbating to get satisfaction. He will use money given to for airtime to watch porn and hook up with people who wanted to have sex.

Joe was very cool now in school; he had his own clique, a boyfriend and Lucy as well. His body count for both sexes was high and he felt good about himself. One day, Joe was going to see one of his rich boyfriends in the expensive hotels when he heard a voice saying, “come back home Joe, I love you”. He did not pay heed and went ahead. When he got there, his host was very kind to him and when they were prepared to have each other a group of men of about 7 came out all wearing white robes with red headbands. Fear gripped Joe and wanted to escape but there was nowhere to run. They wanted to kill him and use him for sacrifice when the doorbell rang for room service. 

After many futile attempts to make the attendant go away, the stranger finally opened the door and slit open the throat of the attendant and that was how Joe escaped. Because of how scared he was, he ran on the stairs and fell with a concussion. He was rushed to the hospital and did not want to call his parents when he regained consciousness because he did not know what to say. He called Lucy and his other squad members. The doctor, later on, broke the news to him that he would not be able to walk again because of the breakage in the spinal bone area and worst of all that he had AIDS. Joe was devastated and crushed in spirit. His friends left one after the other till his mom was finally called. Joe’s mom loved her son so much but loved her job more so did not for once pause to think about the whereabouts of his son.

Deserted Joe was back I church in his wheel-chair feeling so sorry for himself. He could not narrate the true story to his fall to anyone because he knew he could not answer why he was in such an expensive hotel in the first place. Joe started trying to kill himself on three occasions but did not succeed. That was when he met a new friend in the church called Zack. He was able to confide in Zack, narrated everything to him and added why he wanted to take his own life. Zack never judged Joe for any of the things he said he has done but rather saw Joe’s life from a different perspective. The devil has seen what a great person Joe would be and wanted to destroy him any way he could. 

Zack prayed with Joe consistently, visiting him and taking him for rides in the park after work. Zack became Joe’s new best friend and Joe’s love was being restored back to Christ. One day, Zack, Joe and his mom went for a healing conference. Zack encouraged Joe to believe in the healing power of the holy ghost, he did and received his healing that day. Zack and Joe have been friends till this day and greatest of all, when it was time for the altar call, Joe saw Lance among the crowd and his heart rejoiced. Since then till now, Joe and Zack have been evangelizing to lost and confused souls in order to prevent them from making the same mistakes he did.

We cannot be in Christ and be in the world at the same time because sin flows like water and leads in little drops. Joe could have died. You might not be lucky to receive a second chance, therefore, this is your second chance to learn from the mistakes of someone else to better your life. Do not take this likely. The devil is busy waiting for you to mess up so he can take advantage. Also, Jesus Christ does not care about what you have done or what you did. He is more interested in claiming you back than judging you. If your friends are judging you and telling you to stay away from them why don’t you come to me? I am ever ready to start a new squad and every soul is important.



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